Monday, May 18, 2009

Katelyn at the Sink

Katelyn at the Sink (Canon 5D, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L lens - 1/30 second, f/2.8, ISO 400)
This weekend, Katelyn started playing in the sink. By the time it was over, we had one wet and happy young lady and a very clean kitchen floor.  As the spilled water would make it's way to the floor, Julie would mop it up. Since it ended up covering most of the floor, Julie finished it off and we had a nice clean kitchen floor.  I guess that's one way to get your housework done. 

I was going for the "stock photography" look in the pictures. I had my trusty Canon 5d with the Canon 70-200 L-series lens and the Canon Ex-580 II flash.

I set the ISO to 400 hoping to get fast enough shutter speed to stop the water and Katelyn together without producing too much noise. To start with, I was shooting apperature-priority mode  with the apperature set at f/2.8 which had the shutter speed around 1/500th based on exposing Katelyn correctly. That should be enough to stop the water. I metered the background to get my shutter speed. That got my shutter speed down to 1/50th. But I found that f/2.8 was way too shallow for depth-of-field. I was getting her shirt in focus but her eyes would not be. I just wasn't fast enough to keep focus on her eyes. I moved the apperature up to f/4.0 which increased the depth of field, but it slowed the shutter speed down even more. I ended up getting the best results, as far as exposure, around 1/30th. Of course, shooting at 200mm I was really depending on the flash to stop the action. It seemed to work out OK. I got several shots that I am proud of.
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